Easter Action

Our Easter long weekend kicked off with a tour of the local op shops, because it’s important to know where the second hand treasures are at when you move to a new area. We didn’t take home anything that day, but we did give the farm store plenty of custom (fencing continued…).

Given that it was a cool couple of days, we collected some kindling and firewood from around our property. We were a little too enthusiastic about a huge piece Chris found in the paddock, and promptly shoved it in the wood burner. A race against flames ensued as we discovered it didn’t fit, but it was already alight! After much elbow grease and utilising a variety of tools, the hunk of tree was safely inside the burner and it kept us toasty all night.

image of a man using a hand saw on a large piece of wood that's protruding from a stove

We have spent several months planning our market gardens; what we will grow, where we will grow it, and how much. We will start by growing in the two acres nearest to the house, which also happens to be close to the soon-to-be wash station and cool room (location is essential for efficiency). We have now measured and marked out where these garden beds will go, and are excited to get started with preparing the earth for veggies.

Another thing we’re taking quite seriously on our farm is accessibility, especially for our bed and breakfast accommodation. It may take us a while to complete (and to afford) the modifications necessary, but in the meantime we started by painting the edges of all the steps on the property. This creates high contrast and will make a significant difference to most people with low vision.

image of a set of brown wooden steps outdoors with white painted edges

After a big weekend of farm labour (did someone say more fencing? how about damaged water pipe?) we enjoyed a relaxed lunch and chilled vibes at Archie’s Couch. Those burgers!